Cuidado y conciencia ambiental

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22 to raise awareness about the importance of protecting and preserving our most precious assets, natural resources.

The first celebration was held in 1970 and from that moment it became a global movement in order to promote participation in activities on environmental sustainability.

The main goal of Earth Day is to promote taking action to protect the environment. This includes planting trees, reducing carbon emissions, saving water, turning off the lights in your house when leaving or when not in use, etc.

Our main problem is the climate change that we face today, which increases every year in a way never seen before. This is due to greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide from the daily activities of a human being: industries, deforestation, exploitation of aquifer wells.

Therefore, it is essential that we take action on the matter, from small actions (such as using public transportation, riding a bike instead of driving, using sustainable energy, separating garbage and reducing our waste generation), to creating policies that support these sustainability initiatives, more sophisticated recycling systems, water conservation, among others.

Our role as human beings is to raise awareness and take action. It is an opportunity to come together and work together for the collective good and to create a more sustainable and green future for the next generations.

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