3 beneficios de los adaptógenos para mamá

There are many ways to celebrate mom. The usual thing is to take her somewhere to eat or give an item that she likes.

On this occasion, we invite you to celebrate it by maintaining its health . One of the best ways to achieve this is with the properties of adaptogens , which can help you improve your health in very specific areas. Here we share some:

  • More energy, less fatigue

  • Being a mother is a full-time job, especially in the first years of your children's lives. And although it is very rewarding, at times it can also be very exhausting.

    If you are a mother, we recommend adding Cream 'n heal to your drinks such as smoothies, teas, coffees or even refreshing drinks such as smoothies or frappes. The microdoses of adaptogenic mushrooms contained in the creamer will help you relax , rest better and, therefore, have more energy for your daily tasks.

    To pamper yourself and reward yourself for everything you do in your home, remember to accompany your favorite drinks withSpecial Brownies , another delicious way to enjoy the benefits of adaptogenic mushrooms.

  • Preventive and auxiliary in the treatment of osteoporosis

  • Pregnancies and hormonal changes during menopause, as well as poor nutrition, are among the causes of decalcification .

    Vitamin D , present in the maitake mushroom , acts in conjunction with calcium to increase bone density and strengthen blood vessels in the treatment of osteoporosis. Natural vitamin D2 is essential for the absorption of calcium .

    You can also find the properties of maitake in the Mutii Adaptogens product line .

  • Antioxidant and anti-aging properties

  • Healthy skin and hair will always be beautiful and will not look aged or neglected. Adaptogenic mushrooms contain antioxidant substances that help prevent the effect of free radicals on cells, helping you stay healthy and looking radiant .

    These are just some of the benefits that adaptogenic mushrooms can have for mom's health . You can take advantage of all of them in the Mutii Adaptogens product line , which you can give to mom on her day. Even surprise her with some of the recipes made with Special Brownies that we have for you on our Instagram profile . We will also have some surprises to celebrate mom as she deserves, we are waiting for you!

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