Bicicleta: transporte limpio y saludable

Riding a bike can be one of the most fun and healthy physical activities and, at the same time, one of the best ways to get around.

Using the bicycle will be healthy for you as long as you do it correctly, so it is advisable to seek the guidance of an expert (sports doctor, physical trainer) to have the necessary instructions when riding it. It is also vital to know the basic postures, the correct height of the bicycle and the seat, among others.

That's why we share with you some of the benefits of using this means of transportation to get around in your daily life and that can help you both exercise and take care of the environment.


  • Tone and strengthen your muscles
  • Riding a bike can be one of the most complete exercises for your body. Glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and the muscles of the lower back are some of the muscles that you will see most benefited from this physical activity.

  • Improve your lung capacity
  • Cycling is an aerobic exercise that improves your lung capacity. This benefit will help you have better oxygenation and functioning of the respiratory muscles.

  • Lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases
  • Cycling is one of the best ways to prevent problems such as strokes, hypertension, and heart attacks because it is a dynamic activity.

  • Improved muscle and joint elasticity
  • Pedaling is an exercise that may seem simple but it is still very positive for the body. It will help you improve the structure, function and stability of ligaments, tendons and joints. Also to improve flexibility and take care of your joints, thus preventing problems such as osteoporosis.

  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Cycling is one of the best ways to strengthen your immune system. How does it work? When you pedal, your body produces phagocytes, cells that defend your body from infectious bacteria that may attack it.

    Consistency in cycling exercise, a complete diet that includes nutritious elements such as adaptogenic mushrooms, and a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the chances of getting sick.


  • Helps prevent obesity and the diseases it causes
  • Riding a bike for at least 30 minutes a day, at a leisurely pace, can help you burn up to 100 calories, making it one of the best activities to maintain a healthy weight. So if you want to prevent obesity and diseases related to overweight, such as diabetes and hypertension, taking a bike ride through the streets of your city or exercising on your stationary bike will help you.


  • Reduces the risk of contracting respiratory diseases such as COVID-19
  • In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, traveling by bicycle may be one of the best ways to prevent infections. This is because there are no crowds of people, as it is an individual, open-air means of transportation.




  • Reduce your stress and anxiety levels, help prevent and treat anxiety
  • Cycling is one of the most effective exercises to deal with stress and anxiety, since physical activity promotes the generation of endorphins and neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which induce a state of happiness and pleasure respectively. Hence, riding a bicycle can help improve your mood and make you happier.


  • Improve your attention and concentration skills
  • Riding a bicycle is a physical activity that requires constant and complex movements, as well as balance and coordination skills, therefore it stimulates the brain areas responsible for attention and concentration.


  • Improve your cognitive skills in the short term
  • Cycling helps keep the functioning of the nervous system in optimal condition, which is why it helps improve cognitive skills such as memory and the ability to plan.


  • Stimulate your creativity and your emotional capacity
  • The feeling of well-being that you will experience when riding a bicycle is one of the best ways to increase your self-esteem. A more positive state of mind and a better perception of yourself will help you establish better bonds with others and improve the relationships you already have.



  • Reduction of greenhouse gases
  • By not emitting gases resulting from the burning of fuels, the bicycle helps reduce the presence of these pollutants that cause the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and all the adverse effects that this problem can cause. In addition to this benefit, it does not generate noise pollution as it does not have a motor or horn that produces loud sounds.


  • Saving a lot of money
  • Riding a bicycle is one of the few ways to get around that doesn't require fuel. Furthermore, when traveling by bicycle you do not need to pay tolls, parking meters or parking lots. In addition to these benefits, the investment in purchasing a bicycle and maintaining it is considerably less than that of a car or motorcycle.

    What do you think of these benefits? If you want to stay healthy, in addition to doing your favorite physical activity, don't forget to enjoy the advantages of consuming superfoods, which you can find in products like those offered by The Functional Foods .

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