Cómo empezar en el mundo del yoga si eres principiante

Yoga is a discipline that was born in India more than 5,000 years ago and is now considered a lifestyle that heals, cares for and strengthens the body through asanas, breathing, meditation, mantras and mudras that together achieve a balance between the body, mind and spirit.

This physical and spiritual conditioning has numerous styles and each one has a specific benefit. Fortunately, yoga is for everyone: children, seniors, men and women, beginners or advanced.

That is why we have taken on the task of compiling the best 5 tips to get started in the world of yoga if you are a beginner:

  1. Stretch your entire body with a basic warm-up before practice.
  2. Start at least 15 to 30 minutes a day (2 to 3 times a week).
  3. Start gently and without rushing. Little by little your body and mind give way.
  4. Breathing is VERY important. Focus more on breathing than on making “perfect” postures.
  5. There are always variations in postures, choose the one that feels best at that moment and DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF.

The society in which we live prevents us from enjoying the essence of life, we have too many stimuli, confusing thoughts, we accumulate material goods that we do not need, toxic friendships...

Yoga teaches us to be ourselves from the roots and with the soul, we learn to live in the here and now with what we truly need, we enjoy, we are grateful, we observe, we love, we respect and we get rid of everything unnecessary.

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