Convivir en familia y sus beneficios para la salud mental

As several scientific studies have mentioned, cultivating healthy, long-lasting and deep relationships with other human beings is essential for mental health.

The socialization process begins within the family environment . It is where our first interactions with other human beings occur and the rules of coexistence are learned.

How can the family contribute to mental health?

Some of the actions that, ideally, are carried out in a functional family and that contribute to the healthy mental development of each of its members, are the following:

Commitment: each member of the household collaborates with the tasks and responsibilities that have been assigned to them following an agreement arising from dialogue where everyone gives their opinion and participates.

Dialogue: the exchange of information is important, not only to know how each member of the family is doing, but also in resolving possible conflicts that may arise.

Inclusion: it is extremely important to listen to all family members and integrate them, encouraging everyone to get involved in decision-making and the actions they can take together.

Enjoy: celebrating important moments and achievements is a fundamental aspect of showing affection and increasing levels of happiness when living as a family.

Solidarity: supporting in times of pain and difficulty is one of the greatest expressions of affection that can be received and given as a family. Sometimes just listening and accompanying the member who is in trouble is enough to comfort them.

Interest in others: knowing your children's friends, their tastes, preferences, hobbies and other aspects of their personality allows us to build and reinforce trust.

This type of affection and actions turn the family into one of the greatest supports for the mental health of each of its members.

Given the busy pace of life, the small moments of each day in which the taste for food is shared are ideal for promoting communication and family unity .

Give those moments extra pleasure with a dessert made with your favorite products from The Functional Foods . Remember that you can find a wide variety of recipes to share with your family on our Instagram profile .

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