the functional foods

Hello TFF family!

Today I want to tell you about the benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella, which inspired me to take out the mask: DETOX PLEASE .

First, what is spirulina?

Spirulina is a single-celled blue-green algae famous for being an important source of proteins , vitamins and minerals , which is why it stands out for its high nutritional value.

The value that I saw in it as an ingredient in a mask is the fact that it is extremely rich in beta-carotene , which makes it excellent for the good health of our skin since it acts as an antioxidant against free radicals and eliminates bacteria from the skin. skin (the ones that cause acne).

Also, spirulina is one of the most alkaline foods on the planet due to its high chlorophyll content, another reason why it promotes healthy skin.

spirulina mask

Second, what is chlorella?

Chlorella It is an algae with a great source of protein that contains a large amount of minerals and essential amino acids. It is also high in antioxidant and chlorophyll content. It is a purifying algae for the body that provides large doses of B12 .

The main reasons why I decided to combine it with spirulina to make a mask are the following:

  1. Protects against ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Detoxifying, there has been evidence that it helps eliminate heavy metals such as mercury from the body.
  3. Anti-aging as it reduces oxidative stress caused by pollution, diet or stress.

chlorella mask

If you liked this article and you dare to order the DETOX PLEASE mask, which contains Spirulina and Chlorella, I offer you the discount code:

BLOGDETOX with 10% discount .

the functional foods

I want to try it!

Tell me how it feels on your skin, tagging our Instagram account @TheFunctionalFoods and I'll send you a gift 🎁!

DETOX PLEASE Application:


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