Did you know that finding your own personal space and respecting it is crucial in our daily lives because it is that place, time and space that we dedicate to ourselves?
According to an article by SaludTerapia, these guidelines can help you find that personal space that you need so much:
- Make an approximate schedule , in which you take into account your responsibilities and available times. In this way, you will be more aware of the moments that you have immovably occupied and in which you can have some time for yourself.
- Between your free time, choose a time slot that is just yours . It doesn't have to be very long, 5 minutes can be enough.
- If you are a person who tends to forget and/or who does not know how to stop responsibilities, set an alarm . At least in the beginning, it will be useful to generate the habit.
- When the alarm goes off, put everything aside. Mobile phone, computer, distractions and focus on yourself . You can start with two or three deep breaths and let your mind flow. If you find it difficult to connect with your breaths, you can go for a short walk and connect with the different physical sensations you have at that moment. Likewise, if we are not used to listening to ourselves, these questions can help you at first:
- How do I feel now? How do I feel in general?
- Do I notice any sensations in my body?
- Is there tension in any part of my body? How could I take it off?
- Is there any emotion that predominates? Which?
- Is there something bothering me? Is there anything you would change?
- What would I need in my life? What do I want in my life?
- Listen to the messages you give yourself , without judging them, simply letting them pass to connect with you. If any responsibility or nervousness about doing something comes to you, let it go, remembering that now is not the time. It's only 5 minutes, so you can let it go. The world is not going to end because you take a few minutes.
- If doing it mentally is difficult for you, you can take a notebook and write down the different thoughts that come to mind. Without filter, without censorship, simply letting go of everything you carry.