Hongos adaptógenos, aliados para la salud de tu hígado

On this day against liver disease , it is a good idea to review how adaptogenic mushrooms can help you keep your liver healthy .

And this organ is another of the most important in the human body thanks to its multiple functions, all essential to staying healthy, among which are: the regulation of most of the chemical levels of the blood and the production of a substance called bile , which helps break down fats and prepares them for later digestion and absorption.

It is also responsible for producing certain proteins for the blood plasma ; to store and release glucose , as needed; from processing hemoglobin to use its iron content (the liver stores iron); purify drugs and other harmful substances from the blood; regulate blood coagulation.

As you can see, it is a very important organ, so it must always be kept healthy so that it performs its functions correctly and you can enjoy a full life.

Some benefits that adaptogenic mushrooms can bring to your liver are:

  • The maitake mushroom contains substances that function as antitumor , antiangiogenic, that is, they can prevent the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow. Additionally, it has antimetastatic properties , which help prevent cancer from spreading to other organs.
  • The reishi mushroom , containing substances that regulate the immune system, is helpful in the treatment of autoimmune hepatitis .
  • The reishi mushroom can also help treat hepatitis A, B and C , because it boosts the immune system to fight viruses and bacteria, in addition to its anti-inflammatory triterpenes . Other substances it contains have hepatocyte repair effects and anticirrhotic properties .

So now you know, if you want to take advantage of all the benefits of adaptogenic mushrooms to take care of your liver, products like Cream ´n heal andSpecial Brownies are your best allies, because in addition to enjoying their flavors, you can obtain all the properties of the mushrooms. adaptogens for a state of general well-being .

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