Ideas de recetas para evitar el desperdicio de comida

Food waste is a very serious problem observed throughout the world. According to data from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), in 2021 it was recorded that 931 million tons of food were wasted each year.

To avoid these problems, we can take actions from our homes, in this case, from our kitchens. That's why we share recipe ideas with you to avoid food waste.

grape wine


3 cups of grapes (360 g)

2 cups of water (500 ml)

1 cup granulated Monk®

1 tablespoon of yeast (15 g)


Take the ripe grapes and crush them in a mortar.

Next, bring the water to a boil in a large pot. When it reaches the boiling point, pour the grapes into the pot and let them soak for about 48 hours.

Once the time has passed, strain the grapes with the help of a gauze or cotton filter.

Add granulated Monk® and stir very well until dissolved.

Then, add the tablespoon of yeast and mix again.

Pour into a jar with a tight-fitting lid and store in a warm place for 2 weeks.

Finally, when the corresponding time has passed, pour your wine into a bottle and drink it whenever you want. This will be one of the best preparations with very ripe fruit.

banana smoothie


2 ripe bananas

½ cup rolled oats (50 g)

1 cup whole or skim milk (250 ml)

4 or 5 ice cubes

2 tbsp granulated Monk®

2 tbsp Cream 'n heal


Remove the peel from the bananas and cut them into medium pieces.

Next, place the pieces in the blender and add the milk and oats. Add Monk® granules and Cream 'n heal. Blend until you obtain a creamy mixture.

Finally, add the ice cubes to give it a slightly slushy touch.

Serve and enjoy this delicious ripe banana smoothie.



4 red apples

2 cups of water (500 ml)

2 tablespoons of granulated Monk®

1 tablespoon vanilla extract (15 ml)


Peel and cut the apples into small squares.

Next, bring a pot of water to a boil over medium heat and add Monk® granules.

Then, add the apple pieces and half a tablespoon of vanilla extract. Mix well and let everything cook for at least 10 or 15 minutes.

Finally, you must mix without stopping until you have the thick or compote consistency you are looking for. Serve and enjoy!

What do you think of these recipes? Remember that on our YouTube channel and on our Instagram profile we have different healthy recipes that you can prepare.

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