¡Las grasas buenas y las grasas malas para principiantes!
Instead of starting a low-calorie diet, the most important thing is to focus on eating consciously. Mainly focus on those foods that will make us enjoy our process towards well-being.

Fat in the body is very important, since fatty acids convert food into resources that our body needs. According to an article by Nemour Kids Health, during the digestion process, fats are separated depending on where they need to go, there are a type of fat molecules that come together in groups and create triglycerides, a form of fat found in the blood.

According to a study done by Harvard TH CHAN and Very Well Health, “good” fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat, have great benefits for the heart: they are anti-inflammatory, reduce cardiovascular diseases and improve cholesterol levels; while “bad” fats, in excess, can cause an increase in suffering a stroke, increase the risk of heart attack and are atherogenic (accumulation of dense layers of fat in the arterial walls), in addition to being able to cause any major health problem.

These types of fat can be found in different foods such as:

However, all these delicious foods with high levels of “bad” fats have healthy alternatives so you can enjoy them more freely. Go to our reels to learn about healthy recipes and how you can replace foods high in bad fats.

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