Mutii te motiva a seguir haciendo ejercicio

One of the common resolutions to start the year is to exercise .

It is a very healthy habit that brings multiple benefits for both physical and mental health.

One of the ways to increase your energy levels and, therefore, perform better when exercising is to include certain products in your diet, such as the winning combination of coffee and adaptogenic mushrooms .

Coffee is a product of natural origin that, when drunk before exercising, can help you:

  • Improve your aerobic endurance

  • Caffeine , which is one of the main compounds in coffee, helps increase the ability to perform physical activity for as long as possible . In addition, it promotes muscular endurance and aerobic endurance.

  • Increases physical performance
  • Drinking coffee before exercising helps improve skills such as speed , agility, coordination and precision. Thanks to caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system and helps keep the body alert.

  • Helps increase strength, power and endurance
  • Again, thanks to caffeine, consuming coffee before exercise has effects on muscle strength , anaerobic power, and movement speed.

    Now that we have seen the benefits of coffee in physical activity routines, let's remember the benefits of adaptogenic mushrooms :

    Less stress

    Stress reduction is an important factor for those who engage in physical activity, especially if the goal is to increase muscle mass .

    Less fatigue

    To have better physical performance, the properties of adaptogenic mushrooms help reduce fatigue levels .

    More energy

    Adaptogenic mushrooms have energizing properties that help to perform better both physically and mentally in daily activities, especially when exercising.

    If you combine the properties of coffee + those of adaptogenic mushrooms , you get a perfect combination that will help you improve your physical performance when doing your exercise routine.

    What is the best way to combine the properties of these natural products?

    To the coffee you drink before training you can add Cream 'n heal , which is a vegan coffee creamer made from adaptogenic mushrooms such as reishi, cordyceps, chaga, lion's mane and maitake.

    In addition to a delicious flavor and consistency for your coffee, you will enjoy all the goodness of adaptogenic mushrooms.

    So give your pre-workout coffee a boost of flavor and medicinal properties and train with all the energy and health benefits that adaptogenic mushrooms provide .

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