¿Qué se está haciendo para mejorar la salud pública?

The 75th anniversary of WHO gives us an opportunity to look back at the public health successes that have improved quality of life over the past seven decades .

After the pandemic that began in 2020, we realized how unprepared we were to face a health emergency, so scientific advances accelerated to have more effective and efficient results in the situation that was presented to us; Here we leave you a little of the progress during the period 2020 - 2023 according to the WHO:

  • Virus sequencing
  • "... in the field of bioinformatics there have been great developments due to how the sequences of the genetic material of each virus that infects a person are being analyzed and studied and that allow us to see how the virus evolves over the generations."

  • Historic vaccine
  • The fact that this coronavirus and the disease it causes are new means that there are still many gaps in knowledge around it. But there is one thing that specialists are clear about: the only way to achieve herd immunity is with a vaccine.

  • Hygiene practices
  • "Another great advance, which is not directly related to the research we do in our laboratories but which is fundamental for the future, is that we have managed to introduce into the culture of our citizens certain hygiene and prevention habits that serve to contain this and other epidemics caused by viruses ," say Sanz and Larrinaga.

  • The importance of science
  • For Mercedes Jiménez Sarmiento, a biochemist at the Margarita Salas Biological Research Center in Spain, "a profound change as a result of the pandemic is that society has understood that the solution lies in science," she tells BBC Mundo.

    This gave way to a new generation in which health would become the priority. Mental health, on the other hand, also took center stage during this period.

    According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), we were faced with a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression around the world, so concern for our mental health also became a priority: Meditations, psychological therapies, natural ingredients and medications for anxiety and depression began to gain strength.

    Currently, everyone treats their mental health as best suits them, so The Functional Foods is here to accompany you in the process towards your well-being, whether with our products with adaptogenic mushrooms, tinctures of organic extracts, sweetener with monk fruit or masks 100% free of parabens and sulfates. We help you achieve your best version!

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