Tipos de yoga y sus beneficios para la salud

Today is World Yoga Day, a practice in which the body, breath and mind are connected.

In this discipline, various physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation are performed to improve general health.

It emerged thousands of years ago as a spiritual exercise. Nowadays most people do yoga for exercise and to reduce stress.

The general health benefits of people who practice yoga, according to the United States National Institute of Health, are:

  • Better overall physical condition
  • More body flexibility
  • Better posture and reduction in back pain
  • Reduction in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Improvements in self-confidence
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Perfect coordination
  • Improves concentration
  • Provides a restful rest
  • Promotes good digestion
  • It can help reduce the effects of emotional conditions such as anxiety and depression.

There are several types of yoga that are distinguished from each other by certain characteristics and are more in line with the type of activity each person is looking for. Here we share them with you:

Vinyasa Yoga

In this type of yoga, the postures are performed at a constant and fast pace, which can be a good cardio option, in which the entire body is worked. The ideal is to synchronize your breathing with the movements you make.

This practice is recommended for people who do not do physical activity, since by activating their body, it will help them prevent the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.

Bikram Yoga

In this classification of yoga, the practice can become more intense and rigorous. The sessions last around an hour and a half and cover 26 postures that are performed in repetitive sequences.

Generally the rooms are heated to 40°C and it is recommended not to stop unless the body demands it. Bikram is ideal for people who like more intense exercises.

Kundalini Yoga

It is a type of yoga in which the intention is to connect the body and mind to the maximum, as it is based on the belief that the divine energy concentrated in the lower part of the spine can be released through movement, breathing and the songs.

This type of practice is recommended for those seeking to get closer to the spiritual through physical activity.

Ashtanga Yoga

This classification of yoga is similar to vinyasa, in which breathing and movement are linked through different postures.

The difference is that Ashtanga focuses on six specific posture sequences, so you cannot move on to the next posture until you have mastered the previous one.

This practice is ideal for those who want to develop the virtues of perseverance, patience and perseverance.

Yoga Fitness

It is an ancient practice based on stretching. It consists of asana sequences with traditional exercises to gain flexibility, resistance and balance, strengthen muscles and tone.

The poses are adapted to the individual physical condition to avoid discomfort or pain. Throughout the training you gain agility and mastery of technique.

This type of yoga is recommended for those who have experience in the conventional method and want greater intensity.

What do you think of these types of yoga? Which one would you like to practice? Always remember to consult your doctor before doing any physical activity.

We also remind you that products with adaptogens , in conjunction with practices such as yoga, can improve your health by helping you reduce stress, fatigue and boost your immune system.

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