Yoga y adaptógenos: combinación ganadora para tu salud

Yoga is a physical and mental activity that helps induce a state of comprehensive well-being by balancing the functioning of the mind and body.

This activity has gained millions of followers and practitioners around the world due to its multiple health benefits, which we share with you today:

  • Lower stress and cholesterol levels
  • The practice of yoga helps balance the nervous system thanks to the combination of movement and relaxation . Low levels of cortisol, a substance that the body produces when there is a lot of stress, translate into greater resistance to certain diseases, as well as healthy blood pressure.

  • Helps control and improve breathing
  • Breathing is essential when practicing yoga. Good and correct breathing helps slow down your heart rate and relax muscles, which greatly improves your mood. Hence, constant practice helps you better deal with painful or stressful situations.

    Abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing , which is practiced in yoga , increases oxygenation of the cells.

  • Delays and reverses the aging process
  • Yoga and meditation protect DNA from damage caused by lifestyle and the natural passing of the years. It is a magnificent anti-aging therapy : it directly influences telomerase, an enzyme that protects telomeres, those chromosomes that shorten with each cell division and the longer they are, an indication of more years of life and higher quality.

  • Helps strengthen bones and muscles to improve posture and avoid ailments
  • If you want to correct your body posture to relieve and prevent lumbar or cervical pain resulting from sedentary habits or bad posture in your daily life, yoga is for you.

    This practice helps reduce pain in the neck, back, knees, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica or fibromyalgia. Always make sure you have the guidance of an expert in the practice of yoga to avoid injuries.

  • Strengthen your bones and muscles
  • The constant practice of yoga helps prevent bone loss because it prevents lactic acid from accumulating in the body. It will also help you tone your body and increase joint flexibility .

  • Improves mental and intellectual performance
  • Body postures , together with controlled breathing , increase the ability to concentrate . This skill can be very useful at work or study, because it allows you to solve problems and achieve goals more efficiently, avoiding unnecessary distractions.

    When studying, you reach a more serene state, without nerves, stress and pressure. You can achieve greater performance by studying more in less time.

    Coupled with the practice of this ancient relaxation technique, the consumption of products made from adaptogenic mushrooms can help you improve your health, with a constant feeling of well-being. Try this winning combination, here we share some of the products with adaptogens that you can find and enjoy.

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