3 ideas de bebidas refrescantes para estos días de calor

Spring days are especially hot, so it's important to stay hydrated.

That's why today we share with you some drink ideas that you can prepare easily, quickly and healthy.

In addition to sweetening them with Monk© , you can give them a touch of the power of adaptogens with Cream 'n heal . Take note and enjoy them!

Iced tea


Your favorite plant to make tea: chamomile, mint, hibiscus, etc.

1 liter of water



Put the water to boil.

Once it boils, add the plant you will make the tea with.

Let it infuse for 3 to 7 minutes, place in a jug and add Cream 'n heal.

Refrigerate for 2 hours.

Serve and add mint or mint leaves.

Mango granita


4 handles

6 oranges

2½ cups very cold water

3 cups of ice

1 tbsp Monk©

1 tbsp Cream 'n heal

3 mint leaves


Cut the mangoes into small pieces and squeeze the orange juice.

Place all the ingredients in the blender, except the ice and mint leaves, and blend until everything is well integrated.

Add the ice and process again until it has a slushy texture.

Serve and enjoy!

orange frappe


9 oranges

6 mint leaves

2 tbsp Monk©

2 cups of ice

3 cups of water

1 or 2 tbsp Cream 'n heal

Optional: 3 mint or peppermint leaves to decorate



Squeeze the oranges, strain the juice and place it in the blender along with the rest of the ingredients.

Process until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Serve and decorate with a mint or peppermint leaf and a slice of orange.

What do you think of these drinks? Remember that you can find different recipes for drinks, desserts and other dishes on our Instagram @thefunctionalfoods We are waiting for you!

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