Ponche Saludable Endulzado con MONK


(Click on the ingredient to see the brand we recommend).

- 30 grams of Jamaica

- 200 grams of tejocote

- 200 grams of guava

- 200 grams of prunes

- 3 liters of water

- Cinnamon crack

- MONK to taste ( Buy MONK )


  1. First of all, boil the 3 liters of water in a large pot.
  2. Peel the tejocotes and make a cross-shaped cut on the guavas.
  3. Add ingredients to pot of boiling water, adding MONK to taste.
  4. Let half an hour pass and check if the fruits are soft, if not, let it boil for 10 more minutes.
  5. When the fruits are soft, remove from the heat and serve in small clay jars.
BienestarSnacks saludables

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