Recetas saludables con frutos secos y Monk®

Nuts are one of those foods that, due to their flavor and high nutritional value, should not be missing from your diet.

Thanks to their nutrients, they are ideal for a healthy diet, both for healthy people and for those who have a health problem. Although it is also important to eat them in portions, since due to their high calorie content they can cause problems with overweight and obesity in the long term.

According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the nutrients contained in these foods that can benefit general health and, mainly, heart health are:

Unsaturated fats. There is evidence that the "good" fats in nuts (both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Omega-3 fatty acids. They help the heart, among other things, by preventing irregular heart rhythms that can cause heart attacks.

Fiber. In addition to helping to reduce cholesterol, it makes you feel satisfied and, consequently, eat less and avoid overweight and obesity problems. In addition, fiber influences the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Vitamin E. It can help stop the development of plaques in the arteries, which not only can narrow them but can also cause chest pain, coronary artery disease, or heart attack.

Plant sterols. Some nuts contain plant sterols, a substance that can help lower cholesterol and maintain heart health.

L-arginine. This substance can help improve the condition of arterial walls by making them more flexible and less prone to clots that can block blood flow.

How can you consume nuts to stay healthy?

If you want to take care of your health with nuts, here we share some recipes that you can make and enjoy:

Seed and nut cookies


2 eggs

35 ml of Monk® Honey

1 pinch of salt

100 g seeds to taste

100 g raw almonds (sliced, sticks or diced)

70 g raw hazelnuts

2 tbsp chickpea or oat flour

Lemon zest to taste



Preheat the oven to 160ºC and prepare a large tray with wax paper or a suitable silicone sheet.

Place the eggs in a container with 2 tablespoons of Monk® Honey. Beat lightly with a pinch of salt. Add the seed mixture and stir well. Add the almonds, hazelnuts and chickpea or oat flour. Add a touch of citrus zest if you want.

Mix everything well, add one more tablespoon of Monk® Honey, if necessary, to obtain a slightly sticky and moist dough. Take portions and shape them into a flat, round shape with a spoon or moistened fingers.

Distribute on a greased tray with a little coconut oil, without leaving much space between them. Flatten as much as possible, pressing well, if you want them to be crispier. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown to taste. Let cool on a rack.

keto protein bread



2 tbsp granulated Monk®

60 g ground flax seeds

20 g chia seeds

75 g ground almonds

75 g ground hazelnut

5g salt

100 ml of water

120 g natural yogurt or cottage cheese

4 eggs

8 g baking powder

50 ml of water

Seed mix to taste



Separate the yolks from the egg whites, being careful not to stain each other. Reserve the egg whites in the refrigerator. Line a rectangular mold about 20 cm long with waxed baking paper.

Place the flaxseed, chia, hazelnut, almond and salt in a container. Add the first amount of water, the yolks and the yogurt. Mix everything well until you have a wet dough. Cover with a cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180º C. Add the baking powder to the dough with the rest of the water and mix well. Beat the reserved egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt using a whisk.

Add 1/3 of the whipped egg whites to the dough, mix gently with a spatula and add another third, incorporating with surrounding movements. Finish adding the rest of the egg whites and mix gently until you have a homogeneous mass.

Fill the mold and cover with nuts or seeds to taste. Bake in the lower half of the oven for approximately 75 to 80 minutes. Keep an eye on it when it has been in the oven for almost an hour to prevent it from burning on top.

Check that it is ready inside by poking it with a toothpick. Wait 10 minutes out of the oven before removing from the mold and letting it cool completely on a rack.


Protein carrot cake


300 g carrot (weighed and grated)

0.5 g orange zest

4 eggs

4 tbsp granulated Monk®

2 g of salt

5 ml vanilla extract

150 g ground almonds

50 g oat flour (or neutral protein powder or vanilla flavor)

8 g baking powder

Plain or Greek skyr yogurt or low-fat whipped cheese to top

Ground cinnamon



Preheat the oven to 180º C and prepare a round mold with a removable bottom, about 20 cm in diameter. You can place a sheet of baking paper in the mold to cover the base and grease the sides with butter, ghee or coconut oil.

Wash and dry the carrots well, peel and grate them, placing them in a container, until they weigh 300 g. Mix with the zest of half an orange, you can use mandarin or lemon, well washed.

Beat the eggs in a medium bowl until thick. Add the carrot, Monk®, salt and vanilla, and beat a little more.

Add the ground almonds, oats or protein, cinnamon and yeast, and beat at low speed until you get a homogeneous wet dough. Finish stirring with a spatula to ensure there are no dry remains on the bottom.

Fill the mold, leveling the top well, and bake in the lower half of the oven for about 35 minutes, making sure it doesn't overcook. Check that it is ready with a toothpick; It should only come out with a few crumbs.

Let it cool for a few minutes outside the oven before carefully removing it from the mold and then allowing it to cool completely on a rack. Once cool, add the yogurt or cheese and sprinkle with cinnamon.

What do you think of these recipes with nuts? Remember that you can find Monk® products for these recipes here.

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