¿Cómo adoptar un estilo de vida vegano?

How to adopt a vegan lifestyle?

If you would like to modify your lifestyle and adopt veganism, today is your lucky day. Here we have for you a series of steps that can make this p...
¿Cómo prevenir el cáncer de mama con superfoods?

How to prevent breast cancer with superfoods?

In the month of October, we remember the actions carried out by society in general to fight against breast cancer , a disease that affects 2.3 mill...
Adaptógenos y salud mental

Adaptogens and mental health

Mental health includes emotional, psychological and social well-being . It affects the way people think, feel and act when they face life. It also ...
Ideas de recetas para evitar el desperdicio de comida

Recipe ideas to avoid food waste

Food waste is a very serious problem observed throughout the world. According to data from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), in 2021 i...
¿Cómo prevenir la dermatitis atópica con adaptógenos?

How to prevent atopic dermatitis with adaptogens?

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a skin disorder that causes redness and itching . Although it is common in children, it can manifest at...
Beneficios del coco para tu salud

Benefits of coconut for your health

Coconut is one of the fruits that, in addition to its delicious flavor and its ability to cool you on hot days, has multiple nutrients that will h...
Adaptógenos para relajarse

Adaptogens to relax

Adaptogenic mushrooms have multiple qualities and health benefits . Thanks to their active ingredients, adaptogenic mushrooms can help prevent and ...
Adaptógenos para mantenerte joven

Adaptogens to keep you young

Staying young goes beyond a social imposition and a question of aesthetics. Staying young is a way to take care of your health, because althoug...
¿Cómo los adaptógenos te ayudan a mantenerte alegre y en un estado de bienestar?

How do adaptogens help you stay happy and in a state of well-being?

Joy is one of the states of mind that we most want to experience. It is not only a matter of external causes or circumstances that cause a state of...
El chocolate cuida tu cerebro, tu corazón y tu piel

Chocolate takes care of your brain, your heart and your skin

Traditionally, there has been a stereotype that chocolate is harmful to health. However, new studies have shown that chocolate , and especially bit...
Hongos adaptógenos, aliados para la salud de tu hígado

Adaptogenic mushrooms, allies for the health of your liver

On this day against liver disease , it is a good idea to review how adaptogenic mushrooms can help you keep your liver healthy . And this organ...
¿Cómo ayudan los hongos adaptógenos a tu cerebro?

How do adaptogenic mushrooms help your brain?

As has been studied, especially in recent years, adaptogenic mushrooms have been shown to provide well-being in different forms for those who cons...
¿Por qué tener un perro beneficia tu salud?

Why does having a dog benefit your health?

Dogs , as has been popularly said, are humanity's best friends . They are very intelligent, fun animals and with so much love for humans that it i...
Yoga y adaptógenos: combinación ganadora para tu salud

Yoga and adaptogens: winning combination for your health

Yoga is a physical and mental activity that helps induce a state of comprehensive well-being by balancing the functioning of the mind and body. T...
Beneficios de los adaptógenos para papá

Benefits of adaptogens for dad

Father's Day is approaching and it's time to celebrate dad with the best. If you don't know what to give him, give him well-being . It is the b...
Gastronomía sustentable, ¿qué es?

Sustainable gastronomy, what is it?

Sustainable gastronomy is synonymous with cuisine that takes into account the origin of the ingredients, how they are grown and how they reach our ...
Bicicleta: transporte limpio y saludable

Bicycle: clean and healthy transportation

Riding a bike can be one of the most fun and healthy physical activities and, at the same time, one of the best ways to get around. Using the bi...
Ideas de salsas y aderezos dulces para hamburguesas

Ideas for sweet sauces and dressings for burgers

Today is World Burger Day. If you are a lover of this food, how about dressing it with a sauce sweetened with Monk®? Here we share some ideas o...
Sé el mejor de la clase con adaptógenos

Be the best in class with adaptogens

If you have young children who study or you yourself study, would you like to know how you can get better grades? We have a tip for you: adaptog...