Los adaptógenos pueden ayudarte a ser más productivo

Adaptogens can help you be more productive

Work is one of the human activities that usually takes up the most time in our day. Although your work is very rewarding, it can also be very de...
3 beneficios de los adaptógenos para mamá

3 benefits of adaptogens for mom

There are many ways to celebrate mom. The usual thing is to take her somewhere to eat or give an item that she likes. On this occasion, we invit...
¿Cómo prevenir las quemaduras solares?

How to prevent sunburn?

How to prevent sunburn? In these approaching vacation days, you will surely want to get out of the house. Wherever you go, a beach, forest, etc...
5 hábitos que te ayudan a mantenerte saludable

5 habits that help you stay healthy

Health is essential because it is one of the pillars of a full and happy life . Therefore, today we share with you a series of habits that will he...
Deshazte de los molestos puntos negros

Get rid of annoying blackheads

If you have had the bad experience of finding blackheads on your skin, especially on your face, here we give you an option to say goodbye to them...
Superfoods y felicidad

Superfoods and happiness

Superfoods are those foods that, as their name suggests, have more nutritional properties compared to others. One of the common benefits that th...
Beneficios de los adaptógenos para la salud de la mujer

Benefits of adaptogens for women's health

There are foods and herbs with adaptogenic properties that especially benefit women , since men and women react differently to different stressors...
Convivir en familia y sus beneficios para la salud mental

Living as a family and its benefits for mental health

As several scientific studies have mentioned, cultivating healthy, long-lasting and deep relationships with other human beings is essential for me...
Tipos de yoga y sus beneficios para la salud

Types of yoga and their health benefits

Today is World Yoga Day, a practice in which the body, breath and mind are connected. In this discipline, various physical postures, breathing e...
Cómo cuidar tu piel en temporada de viento

How to take care of your skin in the windy season

The winter season is getting closer to ending. Meanwhile, the months of February and March are ones of changeable climates, in which windy days ab...
3 ideas de postres para compartir el 14 de febrero

3 dessert ideas to share on February 14

Valentine's Day is approaching and it is the perfect occasion to share good moments with your loved ones. Whether as a couple, with your friends...
¿Cuál es tu producto de la suerte según tu signo zodiacal chino?

What is your lucky product according to your Chinese zodiac sign?

The Chinese New Year is about to begin and 2022 will be the year of the Water Tiger according to the Chinese zodiac. If you want to know what th...
Mutii te motiva a seguir haciendo ejercicio

Mutii motivates you to continue exercising

One of the common resolutions to start the year is to exercise . It is a very healthy habit that brings multiple benefits for both physical an...
Mascarillas para iniciar 2022 con una piel hermosa

Masks to start 2022 with beautiful skin

Surely one of your goals for the year we are starting is to maintain healthy and beautiful skin . That is why it is important to have a skin car...
Adiós al exceso de grasa por las fiestas

Goodbye to excess fat for the holidays

The holidays have passed and, for some people, this has meant weight gain. Due to excess food and little physical activity, an increase in body ...
Cómo mantener una actitud positiva durante el 2022

How to maintain a positive attitude during 2022

At the beginning of the year, you may have considered developing habits that help you improve your quality of life and, therefore, your mood . S...
12 tips para iniciar con todo el 2022

12 tips to start 2022 with everything

We are very close to ending 2021 to welcome 2022. Behind us will be a year full of joys, challenges and learning. Now is the time to reflect on wha...
Beneficios del café + adaptógenos

Benefits of coffee + adaptogens

Coffee is a drink that, in addition to being liked by many people, has multiple benefits for the body and well-being in general: It helps keep...
¿Cómo los hongos adaptógenos pueden ayudar a prevenir el Trastorno Afectivo Estacional?

How can adaptogenic mushrooms help prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a variant of depression that some people may experience in late fall or early winter and disappear during spri...