Mascarillas para iniciar 2022 con una piel hermosa

Masks to start 2022 with beautiful skin

Surely one of your goals for the year we are starting is to maintain healthy and beautiful skin . That is why it is important to have a skin car...
Adiós al exceso de grasa por las fiestas

Goodbye to excess fat for the holidays

The holidays have passed and, for some people, this has meant weight gain. Due to excess food and little physical activity, an increase in body ...
Cómo mantener una actitud positiva durante el 2022

How to maintain a positive attitude during 2022

At the beginning of the year, you may have considered developing habits that help you improve your quality of life and, therefore, your mood . S...
12 tips para iniciar con todo el 2022

12 tips to start 2022 with everything

We are very close to ending 2021 to welcome 2022. Behind us will be a year full of joys, challenges and learning. Now is the time to reflect on wha...
Beneficios del café + adaptógenos

Benefits of coffee + adaptogens

Coffee is a drink that, in addition to being liked by many people, has multiple benefits for the body and well-being in general: It helps keep...
¿Cómo los hongos adaptógenos pueden ayudar a prevenir el Trastorno Afectivo Estacional?

How can adaptogenic mushrooms help prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a variant of depression that some people may experience in late fall or early winter and disappear during spri...
Música y adaptógenos para relajarse

Music and adaptogens to relax

Music is a fundamental therapeutic tool in stress management . If you are wondering how it works to achieve this function, keep reading because we ...
¿Cómo cuidarse en época de festejos?

How to take care of yourself during the holiday season?

The end of year holidays are just around the corner and the common question is: how to enjoy these moments without neglecting food, diet or figure...
¿Por qué la fruta del monje es recomendable para diabéticos?

Why is monk fruit recommended for diabetics?

After learning a little more aboutmonk fruit , its history and properties, it is time to delve into the benefits it has for those who suffer from...
Cuida tu piel en temporada de frío

Take care of your skin in the cold season

A common problem during the cold season is dry skin due to low temperatures, which in addition to causing discomfort such as itching or even peeli...
Fortalece tu sistema inmune con adaptógenos

Strengthen your immune system with adaptogens

Within us there is a small army that monitors and defends our body when a virus, bacteria, fungus or any other microorganism enters and can cause ...
Una combinación ganadora para tu piel

A winning combination for your skin

There are ingredients that alone can do wonders for your skin. And what happens when we combine them? The benefits come double! This time we tell y...
Mantente en forma después del verano

Stay fit after summer

Before summer, it is normal that many people have prepared themselves by exercising and eating healthy, to show off a well-groomed figure during th...
Disfruta el otoño con Monk

Enjoy autumn with Monk

Autumn is here, one of the favorite times of the year for many. As the cold days begin to set in, nothing feels as good as the company of your lov...
Hongo reishi: tu aliado para mantenerte saludable

Reishi mushroom: your ally to stay healthy

Have you heard of the reishi mushroom? If not, you're in luck because today we are going to tell you about the most famous adaptogenic mushroom , w...
Spicy Wake Up, la mascarilla favorita de tu piel.

Spicy Wake Up, your skin's favorite mask.

The Alive Beauty Superfoods masks from The Functional Foods bring together the best of superfoods, foods that have beneficial properties for skin h...
5 ideas de postres con adaptógenos que debes probar

5 dessert ideas with adaptogens that you should try

Can you imagine preparing desserts as a therapeutic activity in many ways? Think about it: when making a cooking recipe and focusing your mind o...
¿Por qué la fruta del monje es ideal para la dieta keto?

Why is monk fruit ideal for the keto diet?

The ketogenic diet , which seems to be in fashion lately, is a style of eating in which the consumption of carbohydrates is restricted, with the ai...

How does mangosteen help you in your daily life?

Mangosteen is an exotic fruit from tropical trees in Asia. It is known for its healing, antioxidant and regenerative properties. Its scientific na...